Hey Syu.

Uninteresting human being.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

oh crushed crush..? XD

It was so weird.

But I had the closure I needed.

And thus.

I'm moving on.

Anyway. This is not a blog of an Arashi fan anymore. Well. I still love Arashi. It'll be a TOTAL lie if I say I don't love Arashi anymore. It's like. Love. Not "like" that you can forget in a blink of an eye. It's LOOOOOVEEEEEE. It's.. Passion too. Ah Arashi.. ♥

And Ninomi is like.. ♥ I can't even XD

But. I love someone else too. Well. I've liked them for quite sometime. But only recently decided to fall for them hard. Like,really really really hard.

They are,

ONE OK ROCK! [Pronounced like a Japanese pronunciation of One O'Clock. Yeah they're that cute. 8D]

Eh salah gambar.

Maybe I should get a more decent picture.. Without Alex.. Since Alex isn't in the band anymore..

Oh well. This is them. The ONE OK ROCK that I love. With all the eccentricity and all.

How can I not love them?It's impossible. I love the vocalist terribly. He's the.. epitome of all awesomeness. His voice is awesome. His personality is weird just the way I love it. His look is..well..he's hot with that goatie and all. His fashion sense is <3 He's just...So awesome!

So go enjoy the amazingness that is ONE OK ROCK. :D

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