Hey Syu.

Uninteresting human being.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Any Man of Mine

I actually like this book. However...

I'm quite.. pissed by the main character. HOMGGGGG KAU TAK BOLEH SLUTTY LAGI KEEEEE PEREMPUAN.


Autumn Haven. Naturally red-headed. According to Sam,has nice racks that could back up weird toenails. Nice butt. And big personality. But doesn't forgive nor forget easily. Takes 5 years to forgive Sam anyway. And blows hot and cold easily.


Way too easy. Sam maneuvered her way too easily. I was thinking that maybe,they'd end up together because Conner wanted them too. Or they started by being friends first. Get to know each other first. And then jump one another. Instead, they jumped each other, and then be friends/lover and then get to know one another. Like. HELLOOOOO? DIDN'T YOU LEARN THE FIRST TIME THAT HAPPENED?

I mean, I get it Sam was a better man. But seriously. SERIOUSLY.

But I enjoyed immensely reading the book.

I hate my taste sometimes.


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