Hey Syu.

Uninteresting human being.

Thursday, 30 June 2011


Assalamualaikum and good morning :)

Let's just get to the point.

7 wants.

1. Most important want right now. I want Aiba-chan to get better. T_T And cured from the pneumothrax or however that's really should be spelled. T_T

2. I want Arashi to stay strong and do Aiba's part whenever they can. And get enough rest so they too won't fall sick.

3. I want Aiba-chan not to feel guilty again. T_T 

4. I want my Dome DVD already T_T

5. I want to sleep.

6. I want to eat.

7. I want Arashi to keep being Arashi that makes me happy. ♥

But seriously,the first 3 wants are super important right now.


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